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​Allotments are rented on a yearly basis, payments can be made via bank transfer or cash for yearly payments, for which a receipt will be given, monthly payments must be set up via standing order


​(Please see full terms and conditions under prices)


Prices are as follows


5   poles     £110 per year         £9.16 per month 

10 poles     £175 per year          £14.58 per month

15 poles     £256 per year          £19.70 per month

20 poles     £3.15 per year         £26.25 per month


Every 5 poles extra above these sizes ​​ will cost

                    £78.75 per year       £6.65 per month


There is a 10% discount given for every plot above 10 poles, this is included in the above prices.


Please read the full terms and conditions as set out below in our contract




​​Cornwall Allotments, Mid Carvannel Farm

Allotment Agreement


An agreement made on the ______ Day of __________ 20___________ Between Cornwall Allotments

(hereinafter called the Landlord) and ____________________________ (hereinafter called the Licensee)

Address of Licensee


Tel                                   Email Address


  1. The Landlord agrees to let & the Licensee agrees to take on a yearly licence from the __________________ the allotment numbered ___________ a plot of _________ Poles at a yearly rent of £____________ This rent will be reviewed every year by the landlord & subject to the provisos and conditions hereinafter contained

  2. The Licensee agrees with the Landlord as follows:

i)  To pay the rent herby reserved on the _________________of ____________ in every year or, to pay the first months rent of £_________ on the day of signing of agreement & then by standing order on the ____________of each month into the landlords bank account, during the continuation of this agreement without any deductions whatsoever.

ii)The Licensee shall cause the land to be used for Allotment Gardens only, (that is to say wholly or mainly for the production of flower, vegetable & fruit for the consumption of the licensee and their family) & no other purpose.

iii)To keep the allotment clean & tidy, free from weeds, well maintained & in a good state of cultivation, any grass or paths or areas without crops must be mowed or strimmed to a length of less than 10cm at least 3 times a year or the Landlord can instruct a contractor to do this for which the Licensee will be liable for the cost.

iv)Not to cause or permit any nuisance to the occupier of any other allotment plot or to the Landlord. Not to enter (or allow children or animals to enter) any other plot without permission, nor enter (or allow children or animals to enter) any other fields on the farm without permission from the Landlord

v)Not to feed (or allow children to feed) any other animal or bird on any plot or on the farm without the permission of their owner or the landlord (report any concerns of animal welfare to the landlord)

vi) Not to underlet, assign or part possession of the allotment or any part therein

vii) Not to take or carry away any turf, mineral, gravel, sand, earth, clay or topsoil or take any trees or timber. Or mix subsoil & topsoil together, not to dig any ponds into the ground, not to set any concrete into the ground, not to bury anything including rubbish. Not to bring any unsterilised soil or compost onto the allotment. Not to bring any tyres onto the allotment, any pallets, wood, horticultural plastics, frames & hoops etc brought on to the plot must be used for the purpose which they were intended within 2 weeks of being brought onto the plot. Not to bring any carpet onto the allotment field or the plot, not to bring any, sheeting, building materials, plastic sheeting, fabrics etc except specialised horticultural products onto the plot. Not to plant any trees on the plot except fruit trees with a dwarf rootstock, growing to a height of less than 6 ft in total, these must have the landlords approval & proof of rootstock must be shown prior to planting if asked for by the landlord.

viii) Not without prior consent from the Landlord, erect any shed, greenhouse or polytunnel on the plot, no building may have dimensions greater than 6 x 8 feet and a height of 8 ft. Larger polly tunnels may be allowed at the discretion of the landlord. No shed or greenhouse to be glazed by glass, polycarbonate only. No glass to be brought onto the plot. Any sheds, greenhouses, polly tunnels will usually be sited to the rear of the plot, please get prior agreement from the landlord regarding positioning of these. All sheds must have rain catching & storage facilities, IBC’s or water butts/barrels may be used, No baths allowed. No IBC will be washed out on the plot or the allotment fields. No taps or troughs allowed on any allotment plot. No using a hose to siphon or pump water from any water trough to the plot. The Landlord reserves the right to make an additional charge for water for anyone with a large polly tunnel, who uses a lot of water or who does not have water collection & storage facilities. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to ensure that any structure complies with all relevant planning & other controls. All buildings to be kept in good repair. The Licensee must remove any building & property on or before the expiry of the licence, if not removed by this date anything left on the allotment becomes the property of the landlord to dispose of in whatever fashion he sees fit without further notification. No renumeration will be given for property disposed of in this way. The landlord will invoice the Licensee for any rubbish left, or disposal of any structures he deems as in poor condition that is left on the plot after termination of licence.

ix) Not to erect any fence over the height of 3 ft six inches in any part f the allotment without prior consent from the landlord, not to plant any hedges. Not to bring in barbed or razor wire into the allotments. Not to set any fence posts in concrete or any concrete into the ground for any reason whatsoever.

x) Not to deposit or allow others to deposit any refuse or decaying matter on the plot or any part of the allotment field excepting compost & manure for use on the allotment itself. To remove all rubbish including any found on the allotment when it is taken over from the previous Licensee & dispose of in an appropriate manner. Not to bring any rubbish onto the allotment fields or plots.

xi) Not to light any fires or burn rubbish on the allotments without prior permission of the landlord. No rubbish of any sort or organic matter may brought onto the allotments for burning. Fires must be in incinerator bins & must not be left unattended, all fires must be extinguished by dusk, ashes must all be removed from the allotment plot and site to be disposed of once cold.

xii) Not to turn out or cause to be turned out or tied up any animal on the allotment site, not to keep any animal or fowl without prior permission from the landlord. A ten pole plot may have 15 fowl in total kept on it & a five pole plot 7 in total, for any other size please speak to the landlord before putting any animal or fowl on the plot. Not to erect or place any housing on any plot without the Landlords prior approval. All animal housing must be secure & suitable for the type & number of animal kept in it, see for regulations. Plots with animals must be securely fenced so animals do not get on to other plots. Animals are the responsibility of the Licensee, the Landlord accepts no responsibility for the care of any animals or fowl kept on the allotments. The Landlord reserves the right to enter any plot without the Licensees approval to check on the welfare of any animal.

xiii) At all times throughout the licence to observe & comply fully with all enactment, statutory instruments, local & parochial or other byelaws, orders or regulations affecting allotments & animal welfare.

 Xiv) Any animals brought onto the plot must have the correct licences, movement orders, & holding/flock or herd numbers & be registered with the required governing bodied as required by APHA & DEFRA or any other statutory bodies. The landlord must be given a copy or any of these registration numbers.  Up to date guidance on animal welfare regulations can be found on the website, all animals must be cared for within their guidelines & regulations. The licensee is advised to get public liability insurance for any fowl kept. All ovine, porcine & any other large animal must have public liability insurance, the landlord must be given a copy of this insurance document.

  1. To park vehicles only on the designated parking areas, vehicles must not be brought onto allotments & paths. Vehicles must at all times be driven slowly & with consideration to other allotment users, Landlord, the environment and conditions. No organic matter, rubbish, hard core, carpets, plastic, wood chippings, cardboard or any other matter is to be put on the parking area or track without the landlords prior permission. The landlord maintains the track to the side of the field only for their own off road farm vehicles, Licensees may use this track at their own discretion, however the landlord accepts no responsibility for any damage or injury done to any Licensees or other vehicles using this track. The Landlord may close off this track at any time if it is being miss used. The track will be closed off in winter.

  2. Not to stay overnight on the allotment field, plots or any part of the farm.

  3. To keep all dogs under control at all times, all dogs must be on a short lead when outside of your own plot. Please pick up, bag & take home any faeces. Any animal or person that causes a nuisance will be asked to leave the site. Dogs are not permitted to enter any other part of the farm.

  4. Any child or young person under the age of 18 are the responsibility of the Licensee, they must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult & not left unattended at any times, children & young people must not to allowed to be a nuisance to others. Children & young people are not to play or run around outside of your own plot & must be accompanied by a responsible adult at any time they are outside your plot. Any play equipment brought onto your plot is the responsibility of the Licensee to maintain to a safe standard. The landlord accepts no responsibility for any accidents caused by or whilst playing on play equipment or the allotments. It is advised that you do not allow other Licensees children to use your play equipment.

  5. Water troughs must not be tampered with.

  6. To indemnify the landlord against any claim whatsoever arising from the Licensees use of the allotment. To pay any reasonable expense incurred by the landlord in rectifying any breach by the Licensee and their family of this agreement.

  7. The landlord excludes liability for any loss or damage to the maximum extent permitted by law. The landlord may at any time enter any allotment for any purpose including to rectify a breach of this licence

  8. The license shall terminate on the death of the licensee and may also be terminated.

  1. By the licensee giving the landlord 28 days notice to terminate, which must not be less than the year stated on the agreement

  2. By the Landlord at any time after giving 28 days previous notice in writing to the licensee on account of the allotment garden not being used in accordance with this agreement​

        signed by both parties


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